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长滩 Downtown






Curriculum: 数学

Department Address 
1299 E. 第32圣.
信号山, CA 90755

(562) 997-8000 x.2962

Curriculum - 数学 - Leads

联系 电话/地址 Position / Responsibility
丽莎杜德恒 (562) 997-8000 x 2950 数学 Curriculum Leader, K- 5
温迪Englert (562) 997-8000 x 2962 数学 Curriculum Leader, 6-12


数学 - 小学 学校 工作人员

联系 电话/地址 Position / Responsibility
女子名罗德里格斯 (562) 997-8000 x 2950 小学 School Coach
Zariq Schoettler (562) 997-8000 x 2950 小学 School Coach
米歇尔·托雷斯 (562) 997-8000 x 2950 小学 School Coach


数学 - 中学 工作人员

联系 电话/地址 Position / Responsibility
Kyoko Weber-Sickler (562) 997-8000 x 2962 Middle School Math Coach
梅丽莎Zavatsky (562) 997-8000 x 2962 Middle School Math Coach
Eric Brundin (562) 997-8000 x 2962 Secondary Math Coach
弗朗西丝芬利 (562) 997-8000 x 2962 High School Math Coach

数学 Mission Statement

The mission of the Office of 数学 is to promote the success of all students by building the capacity of administrators, 老师, 父母, and support personnel. We are a service-oriented department that provides professional development, 课程的支持, and instructional resources. We address data-driven needs, the superintendent's goals, and research-based best practices through collaboration, communication and reflection among all stakeholders including district personnel, institutes of higher-education, 我们的社区.

数学 愿景声明

Every student a confident and flexible mathematical thinker, communicator and problem-solver.